Vandals strike gnomes

Emanuel Borg's birdhouse creation was recently stolen from Gnome Village. (Supplied)

The ’Gnome Village’ in Keilor Park has always held a place of pride on Harrick Road. However, this cherished community spot, known for its whimsical decorations and welcoming atmosphere, was recently ransacked.

Local resident Emanuel Borg had spent hours crafting an elaborate birdhouse, complete with solar panels and a fan switch, at the Taylors Hill Men’s Shed. He donated his creation to the beloved Gnome Village, pouring his efforts into its artistic design and functional features.

“My great-grandson and I decided to place it at Gnome Village around Christmas time. We put it there and used to admire it every time we got off the ramp at Keilor Park Drive,” Emanuel said.

Emanuel and his great-grandson were devastated to learn that the birdhouse had been stolen shortly after they placed it at Gnome Village. Despite its solid construction, with bricks added for stability against the wind, it was gone.

“I thought to myself how sad it was that it was there to make people happy, and now it’s gone,” he said.

Undeterred by the loss, Emanuel said he will take to the tools again, “I’ve promised myself to make another little house for the Gnome Village.”