Update on Stony Creek

On Sunday, June 4, Brimbank locals are invited to Yarraville Guide Hall to launch the Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan 2021-22 report card.

Jennifer Pittorino

Melbourne Water will be updating the public about the Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan 2021-22 on Sunday, June 4 at the Yarraville Guide Hall.

The event will launch the updated report card which will highlight the plans for the restoration of the creek.

The Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan from identifies long-term and sustained actions that span recovery to active rehabilitation of the creek and its surrounds.

The event will be a chance to hear from researchers and agency partners, share the highlights from the report card and get involved in the ongoing process.

There will be a range of presenters on the day including, Dr Kathryn Hassell from RMIT University’s Aquatic Pollution Prevention Partnership A3P, who will be speaking on ‘What’s in our water? An investigation of water quality in Stony Creek’.

Monash University’s Miao Wang will be speaking on ‘Discovering the illegal discharge in Stony Creek via innovative sensing devices’.

A3P member Monica Tewman will be speaking on ‘What’s littering Stony Creek?’.

Melbourne Water is continuing to work with both the Brimbank and Maribyrnong councils as well as the local community to rehabilitate and protect Stony Creek following on from the 2018 West Footscray warehouse fire.

The day will begin at 10.30am with a Bunurong Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony.

Following lunch at 1.30pm there will be several activities in the park, including a walk and talk discovery trail, a frog pond visit, how rain gardens work, a waterwatch and community planting.

Stony Creek is an urban waterway that runs through Melbourne’s western suburbs and flows into the Yarra River beneath the West Gate Bridge.

The rehabilitation plan aims to restore the creek to its original state.