The Tin Shed in St Albans is looking for more tin.
The community youth group, which has served the region for nearly 50 years, is asking for donations of non-perishable food such as tinned fruit, vegetables, tuna and soup, UHT milk, pasta, breakfast cereal and rice for its latest Anti-Poverty Week campaign from this Sunday to October 22.
Donations of grub will go into the Tin Shed foodbank to be distributed to people facing economic hardship in Brimbank.
Call 9366 4302 for more information.

Charged with robbery, carjacking
A Deer Park woman is due to face the Melbourne Magistrates Court in January over a spree of armed robberies and attempted carjackings allegedly committed in the carpark of a Taylors Lakes shopping centre last Tuesday. Amy Nonnenmacher, 32, has been remanded in custody until a committal case conference and a committal mention scheduled for January 10. She made no application for bail.
Council ballot packs due
The Victorian Electoral Commission is urging Brimbank residents to check their letterboxes for ballot packs for the coming council election. Ballot papers must be posted or hand-delivered to the election office by 6pm, Friday, October 21 or they cannot be counted. Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack by October 12 should call 8633 7784 in business hours to arrange a replacement.
Lendlease wins traffic tender
Lendlease has been named as the successful tenderer to provide traffic management systems to control the flow of traffic on the Tullamarine Freeway between Bulla Road and Melbourne Airport and provide ramp signals on the Calder Freeway between Tullamarine Freeway and Kings Road.