Through the archives

10 years ago, July 24 2012

35 years ago…

July 22 1987

‘A new $3 million night-spot planned for Highpoint City Shopping Centre is now in doubt, despite council approval.’

25 years ago…

July 23 1997

‘Frustrated Western Suburbs football clubs will consider lobbying the Brimbank council to clean up used syringes from sports grounds’

20 years ago…

July 24 2002

‘Seasoned campaigner Ciro Lombardy resoundingly won the Brimbank ‘battle of Padley Ward’ against eight other candidates in last Saturday’s by-election.’

10 years ago…

July 24 2012

‘A heartbroken mother has welcomed a coroner’s finding that her baby’s death could have been prevented if staff at Sunshine Hospital had monitored her more closely.’