It was two days after Christmas last year when Jill “Chuck” Norris first thought she’d never walk again.
“I actually didn’t know it at the time but I was getting a bit paralysed over Christmas,” she says.
But after six months of treatment for a tumour on her spine, and the support of Wellcare in the Sunshine hospital’s palliative care unit, Jill is slowly getting back on her feet.
“I never thought I’d walk again, so I’m doing quite well,” she says. “Everything is stable, I’m back driving again. Nothing keeps me down, love.”
Jill is one of many clients who access Wellcare’s activities once or twice a week. Everything from gentle exercise, relaxation, music and massage therapy, to cooking and counselling are offered.
Wellcare also provides an important “day off” for carers.
A fundraising high tea this month will allow Wellcare to help even more clients.
The fourth annual High Tea for Wellcare in the West is on Sunday, October 16, from 2pm at Club Italia Sporting Club, St Albans.
Funds from this year’s high tea will support the Wellcare Wishes program, which enriches the lives of clients facing life-limiting illnesses by helping fulfil long held dreams.
Past wishes have included going to concerts and meeting musical legends such as Michael Buble and Athol Guy and family weekends away.
Jill, a Sydney Swans fan, wants to see her team play at the SCG next year: “I haven’t been up there for a long time.”
“To tell you the truth I was going for the Doggies [in the grand final]. I know what it’s like to wait 70-odd years.”
Tickets for the high tea cost $45. Book at www.trybooking.com/MIEF. More information can be found at 1300 079 599 or at foundation@wh.org.au