Teaching roles going unfilled


Tara Murray

Nearly a third of all secondary teaching vacancies in Brimbank and Melton weren’t filled in 2020, according to a new report.

The Victorian Teacher Supply and Demand Report 2020, which was released late in 2021, provides a comprehensive cross sectoral picture of the Victorian teacher workforce

The report found that government schools continue to experience recruitment challenges for some teaching roles, exacerbated by location and subject area.

“In secondary schools across Victoria 19 per cent of roles advertised result in no appointment,” the report said.

“Across primary schools, languages and digital technology subjects have the highest no appointment rate.

“Recruitment to STEM subjects and special education continues to be difficult.”

In Brimbank and Melton, there were 359 vacancies in public secondary colleges in 2020, with 3111 people applying for those jobs.

Of those vacancies, 29 per cent of vacancies weren’t filled, the third highest figure in the state and 10 per cent above the state average.

There were 21,725 students enrolled in schools in Melton and Brimbank in 2020.

In 2020, there were 455 public primary school job vacancies in Melton and Brimbank, with 8775 people applying for those jobs.

Of those roles available, 12 per cent of them weren’t filled.

According to the report, there were 33,285 at primary schools in the two municipalities in 2020.

The report found that Brimbank and Melton had the largest percentage increase in kindergarten enrollments in 2019, up 5.2 per cent.

It also found that government restrictions on movement associated with the COVID-19 pandemic will impact demand through population growth and changes, as well as net migration of teachers into the workforce.