Sweet taste of success

Holy Eucharist Primary School's morning tea was a massive success. Pic Marco De Luca

Holy Eucharist Primary School staff and pupils enjoyed a day of sweet treats, all in the name of a good cause.

The school held a morning tea on May 25 to raise funds for the Cancer Council, and school principal Jeffrey Parker said the day turned out to be a massive success.

“The event was really well attended by all of the members of the Holy Eucharist community,” he said. “Through donations, raffles and silent auctions we raised $1767.20.”

The event was organised by the school’s student social justice team, which was led by two teachers, Jo Dragovic and Joanne Stead.

Pupils were encouraged to wear something yellow and donate a gold coin, but Mr Parker said outside donations made the day even more of a success.

“We had a number of companies make really generous donations, which really helped,” he said.

“We’d really love to thank the local businesses Grown Florists, Delahey; Cheesecake Shop, St Albans; as well as Krispy Cremes for their generous donations and support.”

The school’s student social justice team has led a number of initiatives designed to have a positive impact on the community.

Recently they collected 12 boxes of books to send to children in Papua New Guinea.