Sydneham Road security cameras stolen

Rubbish dumped along Sydenham Road. Picture: Google Street View

Four security cameras installed to monitor a troubled Sydenham road famous for hoons and dumped rubbish were stolen last week.

A Sydenham resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said he noticed four of the five cameras installed in trees on Sydenham Road had been removed after Australia Day.

Brimbank council say the cameras have helped detect and eventually prosecute more than 12 offenders for littering in the street.

Director City Development Stuart Menzies said surveillance footage had also provided important information identifying local hoon drivers.

The theft comes after the anonymous resident reported an incident involving a “lunatic” driver  on January 13 around 8.15pm to Keilor Downs Police.

He said he saw the male driver of a white Holden Commodore towing a larger trailer filled with rubbish, drop the rear trailer tail-gate: “He then drove south… between the road and the rail line doing a U turn in the dirt like a lunatic whilst all the rubbish became airborne.

“This driver seemed to have no shame for his action knowing that he was being observed,” the man wrote in a police report.

“The vehicle and its trailer then came closer to running into a stationary car that was parked close to the pedestrian rail crossing were a young child had only minutes prior got into this vehicle.

“The vehicle then drove through the Hume Drive roundabout on the wrong side of the road at a speed estimated to be over 100 km/hour towards the Keilor Melton Highway.

“This was the worst hoon driving behaviour that I have ever seen with the driver having no regard for other road users.”

Star Weekly has sought comment from Keilor Downs Police.