Swapping with a smile

Maureen Williams and Bonita Lobo at Stevenson House. (supplied)

A new produce swap program has made its way to Caroline Springs and Kurunjang, allowing the community to exchange surplus fruits, vegetables and herbs with fellow gardeners in the community.

Produce swap participant Maureen Williams said discovering the group has been fantastic for her, allowing her to waste less and get more back in return.

“I’ve got lemons coming out of my ears,” she said.

“I’m only a learner when it comes to gardening, I probably grow more weeds than anything, but I’m getting there with fruit and veggies and with that being around the corner it’s great to drop in and get hints and tips… a great resource to have in the community.

“You can come to their gardening group and sit there, have a cuppa, get tips and bring your produce to swap.

“I was blown away because I’ve never been into Stevenson House but to see their garden and setup was amazing. It’s a really good initiative.

“It is a luck of the draw depending on the season as to what’s available. in October there should be a bit more gardening going on.”

The last session saw more than 4 kilograms of produce exchanged between locals, and another kilogram of produce was taken from the Stevenson House community garden.

The swap meets alternate between Caroline Springs Stevenson House, with its next session taking place on Wednesday, October 9 from 10am to 11am, and the Kurunjang Community Hub, its next session is Thursday, September 19 from 10am to 11am.

More information and dates: bit.ly/3R5QgEY