Sunshine RSL stages march in commemoration of Anzac Day

Members of RSL Sunshine branch marching through the streets to celebrate Anzac Day

Sibanengi Dube

Sunshine residents cheered and whistled as members of their local Returned and Services League (RSL) marched through the streets yesterday to commemorate Anzac Day.

The flag waving marchers started at 2.30pm from the Lynch Gardens in Hampshire Road and proceeded to Sunshine RSL offices at 99 Dickson Street where a short service was conducted.

This was followed by afternoon tea.

President of Sunshine RSL, Garry Collins said the march provided an opportunity to Brimbank community to pay their respects to people from their area who served and fought in World War.

“It enabled residents to give thanks to people who served in all wars.

“Residents responded to our invitation to join the march and others just cheer as the march progresses through the streets of Sunshine,” said Collins.

Below is a list of Sunshine RSL partners in Anzac Day celebration:

• Brimbank Mayor and Councillors

• Local and Federal Members of Parliament

• Brimbank Highway Police

• Salvation Army representative

• Sunshine City Band

• Army and Air Force Cadets

• Club Veterans and Members

• Scouts Groups

• Local Brownies and Guides

• Schools

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that is celebrated on 25 April in Australians and New Zealand to honour people who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.