Sunshine north road rage stabbing

Police have released an image of the vehicle believed to have been involved. (Supplied)

Police are investigating a road rage incident in Sunshine North this month that left a driver with multiple stab wounds requiring one of his toes to be amputated.

It’s believed a man and woman were leaving a carpark in a grey Toyota Echo on McIntyre Road at 10.15pm on November 2.

They noticed a white sedan following very closely behind them and a verbal argument took place.

The male driver of the white sedan exited his car and produced a weapon, believed to be a machete or similar, and struck the male driver of the Toyota multiple times to the foot, leg and head.

The offender returned to his car and drove off south on McIntyre Road towards Ballarat Road.

The victim was driven to a nearby hospital where he was treated for his injuries.

The offending driver is perceived to be of African appearance, approximately 185 centimetres tall, approximately 40 years old with short hair and was unshaven.

His vehicle is described as a white sedan, believed to be a newer model Toyota Camry or similar.

Police have released an image of the vehicle believed to have been involved.

Senior Constable Rhiannon Downs described the offending as ‘atrocious’ and said police are seeking justice for the victim.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or www.crime stoppers