State government to fund all-electric homes

The state government announced its new Residential Electrification Grants program (Unsplash).

The state government will fund projects that promote Victorians, including those in Brimbank, to switch to all-electric households.

On Sunday, July 7, Energy and Resources Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announced the projects that will be funded as part of the Residential Electrification Grants program.

More than $4 million will be funded to seven approved providers to deliver 1875 solar and 1545 hot water rebates, reducing the upfront costs of installing solar and energy efficient heat pumps.

Ms D’Ambrosio said that the program will reduce power bills and is a step in the transition to renewable energy.

“We are helping more Victorians make the switch to all-electric homes – cutting down power bills and investing in a renewable energy future,” she said.

By switching to an all-electric home, households can reduce their energy bills by about $1400 per year or up to $2700 if paired with solar panels.

The program also aims to also support local manufacturing and technologies that back Victorian workers and manufacturing jobs.

In Solar Victoria’s recent customer surveys, 69 per cent of respondents said that they are keen to or have been thinking about transitioning to an all-electric home, while 13 per cent have already fully transitioned.
