Stamp of approval


Tara Murray

One of Sunshine’s most famous artists, John Kelly is one of the four artists to appear in a new stamp series.

The series features photographs of past fellowship participants in Antarctic Arts Fellowship, as well as graphic motifs, to showcase four arts practices that are typical to the program.

The Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship program enables artists and writers to travel to Antarctica and create work inspired by their experiences and insights.

Kelly, who now lives in Ireland, appears on the stamp to represent the art form of painting.

“I think every artist desires a stamp of approval for their work and I feel grateful to have literally received one,” he said.

“It was a complete surprise when I was informed of their wish to use me for the stamp.”

Kelly was part of the fellowship program in 2013.

He said it was an incredible experience during which he spent weeks painting while on an icebreaker vessel, producing 57 paintings that were later published.

“Being on an icebreaker for 21 days with a team of scientists, survival experts, helicopter pilots, photographers along with experienced Antarctic expedition personnel was an incredible coming together of a rare breed of very brave and talented people.

“Spending those few months in Antarctica is a once in a lifetime adventure. Out there I had the pleasure of encountering an emperor penguin who stopped and posed for a drawing which was beautifully captured by Justin Chambers in a memorable photograph.”

While Kelly lives on the other side of the world, Sunshine remains close to his heart.

“My mother, Margaret still lives in our family home and I also create sculptures with Cameron Mcindoe at Fundere Foundry in Sunshine. Cameron collaborated on the Man Lifting Cow sculpture now in Sunshine.

“I had two fantastic art teachers in Jackie James and Sandy Turvey at Sunny [Sunshine] North Tech. Their teaching and advice was life changing.”

Tara Murray