Springing for a good cause

Abbey's brother Joshua, with foundation committee members Monica Cioccia and Michelle Buckley promoting the recent T20 cricket match fundraiser. (Damjan Janevski) 317788_04

The A+ Abbey Solo Foundation is hosting a Spring Market fundraiser to help raise money to support families of children with cancer.

In 2009, at three years old, Abbey was diagnosed with Leukaemia. From then, Abbey underwent a gruelling treatment journey of six years.

The foundation was established to help keep Abbey’s vision alive, who died of cancer in 2015 at just nine years of age.

The foundation seeks to help families with timely and practical support while navigating their child’s cancer treatment. Some of the support they offer includes parking vouchers, fuel vouchers, emergency accommodation, food, and funeral expenses.

Earlier this year, the Abstar Youth Committee was formed with a group of passionate members from age 7 through to 17.

President of the committee, Olivia Barbounis said she has known Abbey since they were both just three months old, where their mums met through a shared mothers group.

“I’ve been told we were two kids who just clicked right away with one another, and we had birthdays that were one day apart,” she said.

“We both shared the common interests of loving ballet, dance and toys.”

Olivia said Abbey’s dream was to help keep families together at their most vulnerable time.

“Abbey was wise beyond her years. Togetherness was so important to her,” she said.

In order to raise much needed funds for the foundation, the Youth Committee is hosting a market fundraiser at the Kensington Town Hall on Sunday, October 1, from 10.30am to 3.30pm.

Details: shorturl.at/wyN47

Hannah Hammoud