Spot on for top designs

Mary Bekele. Picture: Shawn Smits

A love of magazines and an eye for detail have paid off for Deer Park’s Mary Bekele.

The design whizz created Spot Magazine as part of her VCE media class last year, and is now showing it in this year’s Top Designs exhibition.

The exhibition opened this month at Melbourne Museum and showcases works by Victoria’s top VCE and VET design students.

Ms Bekele graduated from Werribee’s Suzanne Cory High School last year with an ATAR of 90.6. She sourced stories, interviews, wrote every article, took all photos and laid out the entire magazine.

She said Spot Magazine was based on popular art and culture magazines, including Spook, Frankie and Yen.

“I was initially thinking of doing a straight photography project, but there were so many inspiring and interesting people that I always wanted to talk to and interview,” she said.

The 18-year-old is now doing an Arts degree at Melbourne University, and considering a major in either psychology or media.