Sports club funding fued

Keilor Sports Club president Hayden Kelly is calling on Brimbank council to provide funding to upgrade the club's facilities. (Damjan Janevski) 331066_01

Armed with 443 signatures, Keilor Sports Club submitted a petition to council requesting the draft budget be reconsidered to provide funding for a refurbishment of the club’s facilities.

At a council meeting on May 16, the petition was referred to council’s chief executive Fiona Blair.

As reported by Star Weekly, the club has expressed concerns its growing base of 1400 members had outgrown the current facilities.

The club received $700,000 state government funding last season to begin upgrades, but the sporting club was hoping for funding in the Brimbank council budget.

Sports club president Hayden Kelly said it was groundhog day for the club with the club hoping for significant funding in the council budgets each year without it coming to fruition.

With no support from the council budget, the club told Star Weekly that it was not worth doing a half job on works to upgrade facilities at Keilor Recreation Reserve.

Mr Kelly said the club was in desperate need of an expansion and upgrade, sooner rather than later.

“We can not fit everyone in,” he said. “We can’t hold club functions and get everyone in.

“We have to hold junior presentation days outside.”

Hannah Hammoud