Specialist staff heading to Sunshine Hospital

Sunshine Hospital to receive specialist support staff in new Victorian Government initiative (Damjan Janevski)

By Holly McGuinness

Sunshine hospital is one of twelve hospitals that will receive funding from the Victorian government that will relieve the pressures our healthcare system is currently feeling as a result of rising flu cases and Covid-19.

The funding will provide additional specialist staff to assist throughout the hospital including offload nurses to assist paramedics, triage doctors to assess patients and discharge coordinators to improve efficiency of transitioning patients out of care.

This new program is expected to reduce patient wait times, discharge patients faster and improve the system overall by alleviating many of the pressures experienced by existing staff.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said regarding the new initiative, “Giving our nurses and doctors an extra pair of hands and making improvements that help patients flow through our emergency departments faster will ensure Victorians get the care they need faster as Australia faces a difficult winter.

“Healthcare systems around the world are under pressure as we battle new variants alongside other respiratory illnesses – these investments are part of our plan to support our healthcare workers and get Victorians the care they need.”