Snapshot of the pandemic

Lily Nguyen is part of brimbank council's COVID-19 art exhibition. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 226320_02

Tara Murray

For Lily Nguyen, getting immersed in her artwork was one way to help fill the hours while in COVID-19 lockdown.

The keen artist, who has a fine art background, was affected by COVID-19 like many others, and jumped at the opportunity to share some of her work in the Brimbank Libraries ‘Riding the COVID 19 Wave in Brimbank’ online exhibition.

The exhibition captures how the global pandemic has impacted the lives of the community in different ways, including how we live, study, work, and socialise.

“I was browsing the Brimbank council library website, as I was keen to borrow some books,” Nguyen said.

“I saw the banner and thought it was a great opportunity to get creative.

“The pandemic affected things like my job. I thought what better way to express my thoughts through a comic.”

Nguyen’s comic strip highlighted the job crisis facing young people, including the difficulties faced by her and her friends in searching for work.

She said many young people felt alone during the pandemic, so you wanted to show people that they weren’t.

Nguyen, who has since set up a Patreon account to raise support for her artwork, said she was surprised by the reaction that she got.

“I got some messages from friends I’d lost touch with in high school, so it was great to reconnect with them.

“There was a really good response to it. I didn’t expect so much support from my friends.”

Nguyen’s work and the rest of the exhibition will be online until January 31.

To view the exhibition, visit: