Smiles 4 Miles Awards for Parkwood Green Preschool

Parkwood Green Preschool in Hillside have received their second Smiles 4 Miles award. (Supplied)

The staff and children at Parkwood Green Preschool in Hillside are all smiles after receiving their second Smiles 4 Miles award.

Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) which aims to improve the oral health of children and their families in high-risk areas across Victoria. The program is implemented locally by IPC Health, mostly in preschools.

IPC Health acting chief executive Jason Hodge congratulated everyone involved with the award.

“Well done to Parkwood Green Preschool who worked together with IPC Health’s Smiles 4 Miles Health Promotion Coordinator and getting this approved by DHSV,” he said.

“Parkwood Green Preschool has achieved this award for the second time with assistance and guidance of IPC Health since starting in the program in 2018.”

IPC Health reports that within Brimbank, 46 per cent of children in the age group 0-5 years and 70 per cent in the age group 6-8 years attending public dental services, have at least one decayed, missing or filled tooth.

Parkwood Green Preschool spokesperson Kate Bader said IPC Health has been a huge support for helping the school to achieve this milestone.

“We are extremely pleased by this recognition for our efforts,” she said.