Diploma confirms great community service

Joanne Riley

Sunshine West resident Joanne Riley is becoming a pillar of her community after obtaining a diploma in community service at Evocca College’s Sunshine campus.

As part of her studies, 56-year-old Ms Riley spent 200 hours volunteering at West Footscray Neighbourhood House’s Soul House program.

Since finishing her diploma, she has continued volunteering with the program, spending one day a week helping organise a food bank service.

“People from the community come and they’ll get what food they need – fresh fruit and vegies – and we’ll sit down, have a chat and have a cup of coffee,” she said.

Ms Riley says her diploma will enable her to do more for the community.

“It’s confirmed a lot of the stuff I already knew, but it’s also given me more ability to put new things in place, and it’s given me a better perspective of what I want to do out in the community,” she said.

Ms Riley is continuing her studies with a diploma in counselling at Evocca College.

By Ian Thomas Ackerman