Sipping and stitching in Sydenham

Sydenham’s Sip’n’ Stitch group’s Alexie Thomas, Lorraine Madigan and Lisa Conte. Picture: Kristian Scott

Laughter, chatter and clicking needles have been the soundtrack at Sydenham library this year when a group of ladies catch-up over a cuppa for a few hours each fortnight.

Aside from catching up on each others’ lives, the library’s aptly named Sip’n’ Stitch group this year has knitted more than 50 beanies and scarves, a pile of blankets and about 40 children’s toys to gift to the Salvation Army Social Housing and Support network and equal opportunity organisation Good Shepherd.

In the past the group has donated items to nearby hospitals and aged care centres.

“The charities we have chosen this year help people who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness in the Brimbank and Melton areas,” said the library’s senior library services and programs officer Jennifer Brus.

All items will be donated this week.

To join the Sip’n’ Stitch group or to donate wool, call Sydenham library on 9249 4680.