Simply stunning stories

Year 2 and 3 students from Mother of God Primary School in Ardeer banded together to create their book, 'Simply Stunning Stories'. (Supplied)

Mother of God Primary School pupils in Ardeer participated in a series of writing workshops to write and publish their very own picture story book, titled ‘Simply Stunning Stories’.

Students in years 2 and 3 worked alongside children’s book author Heather Gallagher, and classroom teacher Rosemary Nicolas to create their own stories and images for the book across a four week period.

Mother of God family school partnership leader, Greg Woolford said the writing program, supported by Australian children’s education charity Ardoch, allows students to put their skills into practice, with the collaborative book being placed on display across libraries in Brimbank.

“It gives children a chance to see the connection between what we learn in class and how we can use these skills to make a book,” he said.

“So having a published book that is going into libraries, that they can take home and show their families really explicitly shows children the power of their learning being applied to real world situations in a number of ways.”

Mr Woolford said the students’ were overjoyed both in the opportunity to create stories as long or as short as they wanted as well as being able to illustrate it.

“Working with a real life author was also exciting as well as the printing of the book and a party at the end where the whole school and guests came together to launch it,” he said.

Hannah Hammoud