Shed builds on support

SHED 8-6-17 Tullamarine Community House is supporting a propsed mens shed. Robert Stephenson, Philip Coloquhoun and Robert Adams [ l-r in front tree]

A group of men at the Tullamarine Community House are well on their way to raising enough money to build a men’s shed at the house.

The group is trying to raise $30,000 to put towards the project, with a grant from the state government to be added on top.

Community house manager Cheryl Hildebrandt said the men’s shed had been a goal for some time.

“We’ve probably been looking for something like this since 2010,” Ms Hildebrandt said.

“We started something similar at a local church, but had to stop as the activity wasn’t allowed on the church’s permit.

“The men kept meeting, but they need a permanent home.

“There’s grants of up to $60,000 available, and every dollar we raise will be matched by two dollars from state government, so we’re hoping to raise $30,000 ourselves.”

The group of men has already raised $13,000 through local businesses and community donations.

Ms Hildebrandt said the core group of 20 men could triple if a permanent space was established.

“We’ve got 65 members on the books, and a core group that are there every week,” she said.

“A lot of guys have said they will come more often if we get the shed up and running, and there’s a real need for more services for men in the area.”