SES on the way for Aintree

SES volunteers Finley Marshall, Nic Lakos, Claudelle Dalgleish, Rodney Fraser and Robert Trout at the new Aintree Unit site. Picture: Jacob Pattison 356963_02

Construction is well underway for a new Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) facility in Aintree, and the new unit is currently looking for volunteer controllers.

A new unit to be based in Caroline Springs was announced back in 2017, with plans for the Aintree location at Frontier Park lodged in 2021.

Construction began in May this year and it’s expected to be fully operational by mid-2024.

The Aintree area is currently being serviced by volunteers from VICSES units in Brimbank, Melton, and Wyndham West.

Population growth in the Aintree area is anticipated to increase by 121 per cent by 2030, placing increased pressure on existing local VICSES units to respond effectively to the local community and continue to assist Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and fire services throughout the state.

It is anticipated the unit will respond to about 500 requests for assistance per year from the Aintree, Caroline Springs and Deanside areas.

The unit will have capacity for up to 70 members.

The new facility will have a large training and meeting area, six motor vehicle bays, state-of-the-art communications facilities, administrative offices, kitchen, and modern turn out space.

VICSES chief executive Stephen Griffin said the organisation is excited about the additional capacity that this new unit will bring to Melbourne’s west.

“Once built, the new fit-for-purpose facilities will reflect VICSES’ commitment and dedication to the local community and support the retention and recruitment of new volunteers,” he said.

The Aintree SES unit is currently advertising for volunteer unit controllers and deputy controllers to help establish and run the team, with wider recruitment set for later this year.
