Series of arrests blow up drug operations


Eddie Russell

A Caroline Springs local is one of 268 Victorians to be arrested between August 19-23 as part of a nation-wide effort to stamp out organised crime activity.

On Monday August 19, police seized approximately 280 grams of heroin and 80 grams of methylamphetamine as well as cocaine, MDMA, and cannabis at a West Melbourne home.

A 23-year-old Caroline Springs man and 30-year-old Melbourne woman were arrested and charged with a range of offences, including drug trafficking, and will appear before Melbourne Magistrates Court on November 26.

The drug bust is among 54 others in Victoria which yielded 568 drug related charges as part of Operation Vitreus, which was led by the Crime Command Organised Crime Division.

Victoria Police Organised Crime Division detective Superintendent Dave Cowan said the results were just a snapshot of illicit drug usage in Australia

“Over $93 million worth of illicit drugs were seized throughout the country last week alone, and whilst it’s an incredible result, it aptly highlights the seemingly insatiable demand there is in Australia for illicit substances,” he said.

“We are at a pivotal point in this fight against illicit drugs, and ultimately, we must challenge the attitudes around the use of illicit drugs in our community.”

Mr Cowan said that the sole aim of the operation was to reduce the availability of illicit drugs.

“We are completely committed to making Victoria as hostile an environment as possible for anyone associated with the trafficking of drugs.”

The operation was conducted by police forces from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland in conjunction with the Australian Federal Police.

It resulted in taking about 1400 kilograms of illicit drugs and more than 2500 cannabis plants off the street, as well as 71 guns.