Family and friends will gather in Sunshine on Friday to remember slain mother-of-four Fiona Warzywoda.
Sunshine Business Association organised the vigil to remember Ms Warzywoda and show that the Sunshine community stands united against family violence.
The Melton West mother was stabbed to death in broad daylight outside the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court two years ago.
Association president Bruce White said the vigil would be held annually to signify “that we are unilaterally opposed to domestic violence”.
“The reason we’re doing this is because we want to educate the community about what it means to have respectful relationships; an important Australian value,” he said.
Mr White said it was up to men to speak up. “Men have to be the ones to create the change.”
The vigil will be held on the corner of Hampshire and Devonshire roads, from 6.30-7.30pm, at the site of a tribute tree dedicated to Ms Warzywoda.
A Sunshine-based group of knitters, who go by the name of Commuknity, has spent the past three months knitting a piece of fabric big enough to “yarn bomb” the tree for the vigil.
Commuknity member and Sunshine resident Annie Bailey said the group of about 16 woman had met weekly to create the piece.
She said the project had been therapeutic.
“Everyone in Sunshine was deeply affected by what happened,” she said.
“We’re all scared to go out on our own, but as a group, we feel we’re reclaiming the public space.”
Ms Warzywoda’s younger sister, Jolene, said family members would attend the vigil.
Craig McDermott, Ms Warzywoda’s defacto of 18 years, has been charged with her murder.
His trial resumed before the Supreme Court last week.