School bell rings for 2024

Menna explores the playground at Sunshine Heights primary school. (Damjan Janevski) 386014_03

At Sunshine Heights primary school on Mailey Street, staff eagerly welcomed 370 students for the new school year last week, including 58 prep students beginning their learning journey.

School wellbeing and inclusion leader Francine Sculli said the first day of school was a “real buzz”.

“It’s always amazing to see the students and families after the summer break and to reconnect. We also love marveling at how much the students have grown,” she said.

“The first day went very smoothly, with everyone excited and ready to be back. It’s a special time for educators, taking the time to get to know a whole group of new students and find out who they are and where they want to go. We have such strong relationships at our school and the start of the year is an important time where teachers are actively planting those first seeds, which hopefully grow into those strong relationships as the year goes on.”

Ms Sculli said the start of the new school year feels “abundant with possibility” with the entire school community ready to get into the thick of it.

“The first day of school for preps is literally the best day of the school year. They are so curious and explorative, and everything is fresh and new in their eyes, so they bring a real energy and vibe to the school,” she said.

“The 2024 prep cohort was no different. Thursday, February 1, was our prep students’ first day and they did so well. Already, within a few hours of starting their first day, they had made new connections and started to become familiar with some of the routines! It’s so exciting to see where they start and to see the growth over the year.”

It was a similar morning for the 316 students who were welcomed back to Albion North Primary School last week.

With 32 preps enrolled, assistant principal Ian Murdoch described the first day return as “smooth“ and fun-filled with performing arts and visual arts.

“Students across all classes were excited to receive their new stationery for the year. They played some ‘get to know you’ games to welcome the new students to their class. Students brainstormed what good mathematicians, readers and writers do,” he said.

Mr Murdoch said the school is looking forward to the new school year with the arrival of new principal Joanna Uzinovski in term two along with a chance for students from years 3-6 to experience city camp for the first time.