By Max Hatzoglou
Salvation Army Sunshine captain Colin Reynolds is welcoming community members who want to get involved in community programs to come back and join following years of covid interruptions.
Reynolds noticed engagement levels in programs had dropped compared to pre-covid times and he hopes participation can increase again.
“At The Salvation Army Sunshine we have been greatly encouraged, as most have, to be out of lockdowns and the restrictions that inhibited our ability to fully serve our local community of Brimbank,” Reynolds said.
“We are blessed to have resumed most of our community-based activities at Sunshine Salvos and yet have noted that the uptake of interest and participation in those programs has been slow.
“We understand that community members may feel hesitant to re-engage back into community programs, especially with COVID numbers still remaining relatively high.
“At Sunshine Salvos we are highly diligent in making our physical space and the services we manage COVID-safe as best we can.”
Reynolds would welcome new volunteers to join and help the orgainsation take its next steps forward, particularly ahead of their major fundraising month in May.
“As we, at Sunshine Salvos begin to pick up momentum following the lockdowns, we would encourage any persons willing to get involved in our programs and certainly would welcome community interest in volunteering at Sunshine Salvos as we continue to navigate a positive pathway forward out of the pandemic,” he said.
“I think especially of the month of May when The Salvation Army puts a lot of energy into our annual Red Shield Appeal fundraising effort.
“Any assistance we could receive in the way of volunteers to assist us with our fundraising would be massively appreciated.
“Sunshine Salvos loves being a part of the Sunshine and greater Brimbank community.
“More than that, we love to serve our local community in positive and relevant ways.
“We would love to have any like-minded and like-hearted Brimbank community member to stand alongside us in this undertaking.
“We do things better when we do them together.”
Details: www.salvationarmy.org.au/get-involved/