Roof over their heads

Club head of bowls operations Mark Casey. (Ljubica Vrankovic)

The Deer Park Bowls Club is less than a year away from having its state of the art shelter back.

In November 2021, the club lost its dome facility after it collapsed in a storm.

This month, the club will work on a world class bowls redevelopment, which is fully self-funded.

The new facilities will include a full-size eight-rink green and showpiece four -rink green with the latest coring technology all under the one roof, completely undercover and enclosed.

Club head of bowls operations Mark Casey can’t wait for the new facilities to open.

“To say we are excited to be commencing our bowls redevelopment is an absolute understatement,” he said.

“After the tragic circumstances of losing our original dome facility three years ago, our members have been eagerly awaiting this time so it’s fantastic to be able to provide them with this new project. This will give them the most outstanding bowling environment in Australia, possibly the world which is simply incredible.

“Behind the scenes so much hard work has been put into this project so it’s a huge relief that we are about to get everything underway. I must thank our club’s general manager and board of directors for their amazing support of our bowls department, we are extremely fortunate to have such supportive people leading our club.

“This begins an exciting journey for the club, with already a significant number of new members keen to join us for what is to come.”

Works are set to be completed by June, 2025.

Gerald Lynch