Road out of covid stalls

Esther Lauaki


By Esther Lauaki

Brimbank residents and businesses will wait another week for more easing of covid restrictions.

Premier Daniel Andrews on Sunday dashed any hopes of reopening retail and hospitality this week because of concerns over a large outbreak in Melbourne’s north.

“I know plenty of people were looking forward to some good news today…and soon, very soon, we’ll have some,” Mr Andrews said.

“But for now, we need to do again what we’ve done throughout this pandemic: follow the advice of our public health experts.

“That means there can be no changes to restrictions in Melbourne.

“Put simply: this is a couple of extra days that might put us weeks ahead of this virus.

“To not only get on top of this outbreak – but to stamp it out.”

Mr Andrews said that it was not a step backwards, but rather to ensure that “we can take a step forward and stay there”.

“We can’t let everything Victorians have sacrificed, everything we’ve given up, simply slip away. “Until then, we’ll continue to keep a careful eye on the numbers – and the all-important stories that sit behind them.”

The disappointing news comes after a single positive Brimbank case, recorded on Tuesday, was being treated as a reinfection of a person who had previously tested positive.

“The person who tested positive twice, the first time back in July, he is currently regarded as a reinfection of coronavirus, so he will be recorded as a positive case,” Mr Andrews said.

“There have been very few reported cases of reinfection around the world.

“It is also the case that persistent shedding over a long period of time can be a feature of this virus.”

Mr Andrews said a panel of experts could not determine if the infection was old or new.

“All the experts have sat around and looked at all the testing and the signs that sits behind that – the biology that sits behind that and they cannot determine whether it is shedding or fresh.

“So through an abundance of caution, the assumption is that they have it for a second time.

“If that is the case, it’s better to be cautious.

“If that is the case then that will be one of only a handful of those sorts of reinfection cases we have seen anywhere in the world.”

Brimbank, which was considered a virus hotspot throughout the second wave, had just eight active cases as of Sunday.

Metropolitan Melbourne is expected to take a significant step towards covid normal with the lifting of more restrictions and the opening of retail from 11.59pm on October 27.