Riding to raise funds

Stuart Clegg and his daughter Asha. Picture supplied

Tara Murray

Sunshine resident Stuart Clegg knows the impacts of having a stroke more than others.

Mr Glegg suffered a stroke in 2016 and while was lucky not to have any long-term physical side effects, he has still suffered fatigue, which along with the stroke took a toll on him mental health.

Since then, the now 45-year-old, has looked for ways to support the Stroke Foundation in raising funds to help others.

This year, Mr Glegg and his seven-year-old daughter Asha will take part in the foundation’s annual physical activity campaign Stride4Stroke.

“I’ve raised funds before and it’s good to get back into doing this year,” he said. “Firstly, we’re raising money for a really good cause.

“Secondly, post lockdown we need to get used to being outside more. It’s a good incentive to get out and about and I get to spend time with her [Asha].”

The pair will look to get out on their bikes for an hour a week. They had aimed to raise $300, but have already surpassed that.

Mr Clegg said that the Stroke Foundation had helped him and it was his pay to pay it forward to the next person who has a stroke.

Stroke is sudden, however the good news is 80 per cent of strokes can be prevented by managing blood pressure and living a healthy, active lifestyle.

To support Mr Clegg, go to www.stride4stroke.org.au/fundraisers/stuartandashaclegg or to register go to, www.stride4stroke.org.au.