Record number of Indigenous Australians enrolled to vote

AEC data reveals a record number of Indigenous Australians are enrolled to vote.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has revealed a record increase in the number of Indigenous people enrolled to vote ahead of the Referendum.

New data released by the AEC shows an additional 21,000 Indigenous Australians enrolled to vote between the end of June 2022 to the end December 2022.

The national estimated Indigenous enrolment rate increased by 2.8 per cent and now sits at 84.5 per cent.

Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers said that the rapid rise easily represents the largest increase since estimates were first calculated in this manner by the AEC in 2017.

“It’s just so pleasing to see the rise in estimated Indigenous enrolment being recorded in every state and territory consistently, and with more significant increases in the past six months,” he said.

“What this means is more people are ready to vote when they turn up to a polling place during an election or Referendum, or when an AEC remote voting team comes to visit.

“The estimated number of ‘unenrolled’ Indigenous Australians has gone under 100,000 for the first time – to just under 87,000 – and that is significant.”

Mr Rogers said it was “brilliant” more people are enrolled and ready to vote.

“[This] is an unvarnished good news story for electoral participation in Australia and closing the enrolment gap, but we know more needs to be done,” he said.