Melton pound pups could get their second chance at life working as therapy dogs for veterans in the west thanks to the Young Diggers program.
The Young Diggers dog squad trains canine companions and assistance dogs to support serving and ex-serving Australian defence force members dealing with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD).
At Melton council’s August meeting councillor Melissa De Santis asked officers to look into the possibility of allowing the Young Diggers program access to dogs in the pound.
The dogs would be assessed and retrained if they are suitable for the program.
Young Diggers Victorian co-ordinator Carole Doyle said that dogs for the program are being brought from interstate at the moment.
“This program helps more than just the individuals,” Ms Doyle said.
“The dog squad helps defence families to better cope with the effects of PTSD and saves the lives of many rescued dogs.
“Some of the guys on the program go shopping late at night because they don’t do well with crowds and having their companion with them gives them that extra support.
“Dogs are having to be trucked down from Tamworth or Brisbane for training.
“Otherwise, if veterans want to have their own puppy, they would purchase one and bring it to training twice a week.”
Ms Doyle said the dog squad does not discriminate breeds but the dog must have the right temperament.
“They can’t be aggressive,” she said. “Preferably, they should be desexed already but we ensure that they are desexed before they are trained up.”
She said more than 30 dogs have been trained in Victoria for the dog squad and more than 200 dogs are trained nationally.
“Dogs are our number one priority and they need to be looked after well by their owners,” Ms Doyle said.
Information: www.youngdiggers.com.au