Program to promote inclusivity in local sports


Deaf Children Australia (DCA) has launched its new blueprint program, designed to foster inclusivity for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children within local sports and recreation clubs.

This initiative aims to bridge the communication gap with a suite of deaf-friendly resources.

DCA reports that parents of DHH children often struggle to integrate their kids into everyday activities due to a lack of accessible options.

In response to these struggles, DCA has developed the blueprint program which includes a comprehensive toolkit to assist local sports and recreational clubs in welcoming and supporting DHH children.

Central to the blueprint program are 12 short videos featuring the experiences of DHH children, parents, coaches, and clubs.

The resource pack also includes posters, flashcards, information sheets, window decals, and links to videos demonstrating more than 100 Auslan signs across 10 recreational activities.

Local deaf footballer Tom Sharples says he has benefited from inclusive sports environments that have supported him through his sports journey.

“I have played sport since I was five. I started at Auskick in Caroline Springs, which was my local community club. I loved playing and was excited to be with other kids my age. I loved going each week to Auskick and playing with all the other kids,” he said.

“My mum encouraged me to take part but she made sure the coaches knew I was deaf so they didn’t think I was being naughty by not listening to them. There was this lovely coach who was very kind and supportive to me and would make sure I knew what to do and he helped me along the way.”

Sharples said inclusive sporting clubs are key to developing a strong community that is welcoming and inclusive of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people.

“The blueprint program hopefully will encourage clubs to be more proactive in promoting inclusivity. I hope many more clubs want to welcome deaf and hard of hearing people like Sunshine Heights Football Club, Taylors Lakes Football Club and Altona Sports Cricket Club have welcomed me,” he said.

“… I love running around the field with that ball in my hand always trying my best to kick that incredible goal.”
