Police weekend blitz

Brimbank police charged 57 people and seized a number of illegal weapons as part of a four-day targeted crime blitz last week.

From February 23 to 26, Brimbank detectives and uniform officers, as well as officers from the highway patrol, transit safety division, dog squad and the Air Wing, targeted high-volume crime areas across Brimbank, focusing on car thefts, robberies, burglaries and thefts from cars.

The blitz, called Operation Artsop, involved both high visibility and covert police units, and aimed to cut opportunistic crime and deter offenders.

They checked 2097 vehicles, issued 106 traffic infringement notices, six vehicles were impounded and 15 arrests made.

A wide range of illegal weapons, including firearms, samurai swords and martial arts weapons, were also seized.

Senior Detective Anna Kirishian said the operation had been a success.

“As a result of Artsop, police recovered stolen property that included a Honda motorbike, jewellery, stolen credit cards and computer equipment.

“Also two firearms, a number of weapons and a quantity of drugs have been taken off our streets,” she said.

“We will continue to conduct these operations in an effort to reduce crime and to ensure that members of our community feel safe to live their lives without becoming a victim of crime.”