Police dismay at blitz results

The number of unauthorised drivers and vehicles detected during a Sunshine North operation has disappointed the Brimbank Highway Patrol and Sunshine Police.

Operation Breeze, which used automatic number plate recognition technology, was conducted on St Albans Road in Sunshine North last month.

More than 2000 vehicles were checked in the one-day operation.

In total, the operation resulted in two vehicles being impounded and the detection of two drug drivers, nine suspended/disqualified drivers, nine unlicensed drivers and
12 unregistered vehicles.

Brimbank Highway Patrol Sergeant Andy Oakley said that as winter progressed, motorists should expect a strong police presence on the roads.

“We’re encouraging people to take more care this time of the year when the wet weather hits and parts of the road can become icy,” he said.

“We’ll be out and about making sure people are being fully compliant with the road laws, so people can expect to have their registration and licence checked and be breath-tested anywhere, anytime.”

Sergeant Oakley said recent upgrade work to major arterial roads had been adding to driver frustration.

“There’s obviously a lot of road works taking place around the area at the moment, which is causing frustration to motorists,” he said.

“We’re asking everyone to remain patient.

“Drivers becoming impatient in the delays and doing the wrong thing are not only breaking the law, but also creating a dangerous situation.”

It’s not just motorists who are in police sights.

Sergeant Oakley said pedestrians needed to take greater care, especially in winter conditions.

“With the nights getting darker, pedestrians need to be more vigilant,” he said.

“People walking around looking down at their phones is starting to cause a few issues so we’re asking people to really watch where they’re going.”