After delighting audiences at the Poppy Seed Festival, a small play with a big message will feature at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Sunshine actor Pallavi Waghmode will reprise her role in Romeo Is Not The Only Fruit and said she’s bursting with excitement.
“We’re all so excited to be doing the show again – it was such a riot the first time,” she said.
“This will be a broader audience, so hopefully we reach more of the general public.”
Romeo Is Not The Only Fruit is a musical comedy, which takes the star-crossed lovers that audiences know and love, and puts them in a same sex relationship.
While the show will keep the core values that made it such a success in its first run, Waghmode (pictured) said some changes have been made for a different venue and audience.
“We’re in a different space, so we’ve changed some of the choreography to accommodate that,” she said.
“The larger space allows us to do a lot more, we’ve got more freedom.
“We’ve also … been really leaning into comedy side of things, beefing it up a lot.”
While the show is filled with laughs, Waghmode said it has a very serious message.
“The show is a lighthearted criticism of media representation of lesbian characters,” she said.
“Quite often they’re killed or underrepresented, so it’s nice to be able to shine a light on that.”
Romeo Is Not The Only Fruit will be showing at the Malthouse Theatre from Wednesday, March 28.
For more information or tickets visit: www.comedyfestival.com.au.