Plans to accommodate ageing population

With more than 30 per cent of its population aged over 50, Brimbank council has taken the first steps to making the municipality age-friendly.

A draft Age Friendly City Plan was tabled at last week’s council meeting, which aims to create opportunities for older people in the community to live active and fulfilling lives.

Mayor Margaret Giudice said the plan was developed following overwhelming community feedback.

“The draft plan provides the direction for the council to deliver an age-friendly city and has been developed in response to what the community has told us,” Cr Giudice said.

“Earlier this year, the council consulted the community and service providers to inform the creation of the draft Age Friendly City Plan.

“We received an overwhelming response, with more than 730 people and organisations contributing their ideas to the draft plan.”

The draft plan outlines the council’s role and direction for supporting Brimbank’s ageing community and provides a view of the social, physical, cultural and economic environment experienced by older people living in Brimbank. The public consultation period is open from Wednesday, November 22 to Thursday, December 21.

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