Pink up for breast cancer

Overnewton Auskick are raising funds for Breast Cancer Network Australia. Jacob (7) at the front, Chloe (8), Tegan (8) and Riley (10). (Damjan Janevski) 336972_04

Overnewton Auskick is preparing to ‘pink up’ as it hosts a Pink Sports Day on Saturday, June 3 in support of Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).

The entire community is invited to head down to the oval and support not only the kids participating on the day, but also those in the local community who have been affected by breast cancer.

Pink lady figures will be placed on the oval to acknowledge and appreciate those in the community who have endured, or are experiencing difficult times.

Centre coordinator Joe Hartwig said the team have been busy raising funds selling raffle tickets in the lead up to the day.

“We are big supporters of BCNA and we’re hoping to raise as much funds as we can,” he said.

“We want to do anything that we can to help.”

Each year hundreds of clubs across Australia take part to show their support for Australians affected by breast cancer. This year Overnewton Auskick will join sporting groups nationwide as they rally together in a bid to raise $500,000.

BCNA chief executive Kirsten Pilatti said hosting a Pink Sports Day presents an opportunity for all sporting communities to support local people affected by breast cancer.

“Pink Sports Day raises funds to provide support for the more than 20,000 Australians who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year,” Ms Pilatti said.

Pink Sports Day will be held at 9am at Overnewton Anglican College Taylors Lakes campus on Saturday, June 3 with lots of raffle ticket prizes on offer.


Hannah Hammoud