Petitions given to council


Brimbank council accepted two petitions at its most recent council meeting on May 21, each of which attracted hundreds of signatures.

Council received a petition from 205 signatories objecting to the removal and reconfiguration of parking spaces directly in front of shops along Glengala Village, Glengala Road.

As reported by Star Weekly, Glengala Village business owners are calling on council to rethink proposed streetscape changes, as they voice concerns over a lack of parking spaces.

Local traders have raised concerns over the options in council’s ‘Glengala Village streetscape improvements’ as they believe it will result in a loss of parking spaces.

Council accepted a second petition from 380 signatories, requesting that council reinstate the JR Parsons Recreation Reserve upgrades.

As reported by Star Weekly, members of the Sunshine Park Tennis Club are calling on council to reinstate its funding after council withdrew funding for upgrades.

Council’s 2023-34 budget included a $12 million package for sports facility upgrades across the municipality, including JR Parsons Recreation Reserve tennis pavilion upgrade and a new JR Parsons football-cricket pavilion.

The club was recently told that the upgrades will no longer be going ahead.

Both petitions were referred to council’s chief executive officer Fiona Blair for consideration and response.