Old is gold in Brimbank plan

A new council plan to improve the lives of Brimbank’s oldest residents has been put into action.

The Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022, adopted at the recent council meeting, is designed to create more opportunities for Brimbank’s elderly to stay active.

Mayor Margaret Giudice said the plan outlined a clear vision for council’s role in supporting their aged residents.

“This plan provides us with a view of the social, physical, cultural and economic environment experienced by older people living in our community,” she said.

“Throughout the process of developing the plan, it became clear that older people in the community, and the broader community in general, had a mighty lot to say about shaping an age-friendly Brimbank. More than 730 people and service providers contributed their ideas to help shape this plan.

“I think this response speaks volumes about what’s on the minds of our community … now it’s time to put the plan to work,”

The key areas for action from the plan council will focus on include outdoor spaces and public buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, community support and health services.