Number plate theft hot spot

Brimbank is among the Victorian municipalities hardest hit by number plate thefts.

According to the latest crime data, in Brimbank 1110 number plate theft reports were made to police in the 12 months to September 2024 – placing it in the fifth position behind Casey (1987), Hume (1408), Greater Dandenong (1374) and Wyndham (1121).

Only 22 per cent of stolen registration plates are recovered, according to police.

Police said they regularly see offenders using stolen plates to commit further offences, including burglaries, petrol drive offs, drive-by shootings, arson and even homicides.

To help reduce the likelihood of having number plates stolen, residents are encouraged to place their cars in garages where possible, and to use anti-theft screws.

According to police, these can be purchased from hardware stores, automotive parts stores and petrol stations for just a few dollars.

The screws are an easy way to deter thieves — they are really difficult to remove in a hurry and while they can be removed with brute force, it often damages the plate and renders it unusable.

Offering useful advice for residents across the five-affected hot-spots, including Brimbank, Casey Local Area Commander Inspector Stu Richards said the screws were an effective deterrent.

“Having to replace your plates is not only an inconvenience, it’s also costly,” he said.

“Especially if you keep receiving tolls or fines once they’re in the hands of criminals.

“That’s why we encourage vehicle owners to use anti-theft screws to deter thieves in the first instance.”