No plans for community meeting

Picture Damjan Janevski 256135_01

Tara Murray

Brimbank council has no plans to hold a community meeting to help residents understand the impacts of the third runway at the Melbourne Airport.

While Melbourne Airport is running a number of information sessions, both in person and online, residents have been calling for the council to hold its own meeting.

The Melbourne Airport Community Action Group said on social media it had written to all councilors about a possible meeting.

“We have speakers lined up, and a wealth of credible material to guide community members to the appropriate sources of information or people to contact to express their views,” said the post.

“We think it is essential the community hear about this from someone other than Melbourne Airport alone to get an unbiased view of what it means for our children and the future of our suburbs.

“So far we have not heard anything back from them.”

A resident posed a question calling for a meeting with independent speakers at last week’s council meeting.

Mayor Jasmine Nyguen said there were currently no plans at this time for one.

“The council is preparing submissions,’ she said.

“As part of this work we are planning to take targeted engagement with selected Brimbank stakeholders in relation to the noise impacts arising from the spirit operations.

“Brimbank is promoting Melbourne Airport’s engagement to our community and providing access to our facilities.

“Our own engagement is proposed to be targeted and no public meeting is planned, however council encourages residents to attend one of the many forums Melbourne Airport is running to learn more about the master plan and major development plan and to lodge their own submission directly to Melbourne Airport.”