New trike brings joy

Lions Club of Taylors Lakers president Margaret Hamilton, BBEC vice president Neil Hunichen and support worker for Aspect, Matthew Porter. (Damjan Janevski) 320965_03

Nearly 12 months after their dual trike was stolen, the Brimbank Bicycle Education Centre has a new one.

Two trikes were stolen from the centre in February last year along with other items, leaving the centre and the users devastated.

With insurance only covering some of the stolen items, a new dual trike was put on the back burner to replace the one that was donated by the Lions Club of Taylors Lakes.

But having started to hold parties again since returning after COVID-19, the centre has been able to purchase a new trike.

Centre vice-president Neil Hunichen said they were thrilled to finally have a new trike, which allows people who can’t ride one by themselves to go out on the track. Mambourin and Aspect both use the centre.

“One lady has said to us every time when she comes in, when are you going to get a new one,” he said.

“It allows for people who are higher on the spectrum to ride with a carer and you can see the smile on their faces.”

The trike, which was shipped from Queensland, is the only one of its type in Australia.

No arrests have been made in relation to the break in and thefts of the trikes and other items.