New role for Victorian University Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Dr Marcia Devlin

Victorian University Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Dr Marcia Devlin has been named the inaugural chief executive for a new teaching and leadership academy.

Dr Devlin will lead the Australian-first academy, which will deliver advanced professional learning for high-performing teachers which has been funded by the state government.

Dr Devlin will join the academy from her most recent role at Victoria University.

She has previously held executive and senior roles at Federation University, RMIT University, Deakin University, and the University of Melbourne.

Dr Devlin is a qualified teacher and registered psychologist who began her education career as a teacher before moving into the tertiary sector.

The academy will deliver the nation’s first program of advanced professional learning for high-performing teachers.

The academy’s flagship offering will be the teaching excellence program, a one-year program supporting up to 500 teachers each year to advance their professional practice, with access to the best research in the science of learning and discipline-based content knowledge.

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead the new Academy focused on teaching and leadership excellence, something that has been a passion of mine throughout my academic career,” Dr Devlin said.