New program coming to Keilor

Nic Banon is excited for the new all-abilities program. (Damjan Janevski) 464998_01

A new all-abilities program is coming to Keilor Basketball Association as it aims to try and cater for more players.

The new program which will start on April 30 will run in the second term for children aged five to 12 years old.

The program is specially designed with additional needs in a fun and supportive environment.

Program coordinator Nic Banon said it was exciting for the association to be putting together a program like this.

“It’s something we’ve been looking at over the years,” he said. “We are big on the belief that anyone should be able to play.

“Looking over the last six months, even longer, that our strategic plan is that basketball is for everyone and everyone needs that opportunity.

“From four years old to elderly people, we are working hard to support them.”

Banon said they previously ran a clinic and had 25 people attend which showed that there was interest in an all-abilities program.

The program will involve 45 minute sessions on Wednesdays at Overnewton at Taylors Lakes.

While this program is for younger people, Banon said they would look at expanding the program in the future to cater for those who are older and want to take to the court.

“We want to make sure we follow that model, basketball is for all.”


Tara Murray