New plan for sports hires


Brimbank council has adopted a new agreement for hiring out sports facilities.

At its June 18 meeting, and following community consultation, the council adopted the Sports Facility Hire Licences and Leases Agreement Policy 2024 and associated final draft guidelines.

The policy provides direction for the allocation of community sporting facilities and reserves in Brimbank.

It aims to ensure fair and equitable access for sports clubs in line with the council’s community vision, council plan, municipal health and wellbeing plan, and social justice charter.

The updated 2024 policy places a significant emphasis on promoting gender equality within community sports infrastructure.

This focus aims to create welcoming, safe, and inclusive environments for women and girls, aligning with state government principles to foster fairer outcomes under the Fair Access Policy.

Council anticipates that implementing the policy will encourage all user groups of community sports infrastructure to adopt practices that promote gender-equitable access and use. The policy prioritises support for user groups demonstrating ongoing commitment to these principles.

This initiative reflects Brimbank council’s approach to enhancing community sports access and fostering inclusive environments across its facilities.