New nurse to patient ratios legislation introduced


Legislation to improve nurse to patient ratios in Victoria has been introduced into state parliament.

Amendments to the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Act were introduced on Wednesday, February 19 aimed at putting more nurses and midwives on shift – at all hours of the day.

The new ratios will include ‘gold standard’ 1:1 nurse to occupied bed ratio in ICUs on all shifts for all Level 1 and 2 hospitals, improved staffing ratios in resuscitation cubicles on morning shifts in emergency departments, 1:4 midwife to patient ratios in postnatal and antenatal wards on night shifts and an in-charge nurse on night shifts in standalone high dependency and coronary care units.

“These reforms will mean an extra pair of hands, and an extra set of eyes, for some of our most precious patients,” said Premier Jacinta Allen in announcing the new ratios.

“We’re strengthening ratios – because it means better care for Victorians and more support for our hard-working nurses and midwives,” added Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas.

The new ratios are the result of extensive consultation between the state government, nurses and midwives, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) and health services.