New hall a boost for college

Caroline Chisholm College principal Marco Di Cesare breaking ground on new development. (Damjan Janevski) 215676_01

Esther Lauaki

By Esther Lauaki

A new multipurpose hall will be a game-changer for Caroline Chisholm Catholic College.

Construction began last week on the new multi-purpose hall which will offer three full-sized basketball courts, a new gym, choir loft and outdoor seating.

The hall will form a new precinct large enough to accommodate all 1700 students and staff for college gatherings.

Principal Marco Di Cesare said the development of a multipurpose hall was “huge” for the college.

“It will allow us to hold entire college assemblies, masses and other gatherings onsite,” Mr Di Cesare said.

“We are a large school of 1500 students and 180 teaching and support staff.

“Until recently, a council-owned stadium (RecWest) was available for college use.

“However, with the variation brought about by the council’s building surveyor where the maximum number of people that can be accommodated at one time in the stadium is 1000, the college has had to bus students and staff to the city at a significant cost to celebrate its mid-year assembly and talent quest.

“To be able to host them onsite is going to be fantastic.”

The development will cost approximately $8 million and is privately funded.

Mr Di Cesare said the hall will also allow Caroline Chisholm Catholic College’s three campuses, St John’s, Christ the King and Sacred Heart,to gather for masses and exams.