New advocacy plan in the works

Brimbank council will soon start work on drafting its Advocacy Plan 2025-27. (Damjan Janevski) 256135_01

From April onwards, Brimbank council will begin work on developing its advocacy plan for 2025-27 – which will be an important blueprint for key initiatives in the area.

Every two years, council reviews its advocacy strategy to ensure it reflects the priorities most important to Brimbank.

Advocacy of this kind focuses on engagement with the state and federal governments to influence their decision-making processes in order to achieve council’s priorities.

Priorities like transport infrastructure, housing and homelessness, mental health, and the climate emergency all need involvement from multiple-stakeholders to create change, the council said.

The advocacy plan therefore guides what the council should focus on when advocating to federal and state governments.

It is closely linked to the broader council plan, community vision 2040 and the municipal public health and wellbeing plan.

In the past, local advocacy efforts have influenced many government initiatives and programs, helping deliver key local projects.

These include the establishment of a new mental health service in Brimbank, a new bus interchange at Deer Park Station, a commitment of $143 million to deliver the first stage of the Sunshine Station Precinct Masterplan, and the federal government’s announcement of an additional $2 billion towards transforming Sunshine Station as part of the Melbourne Airport Rail project.

The final advocacy plan is expected to be completed by September this year.